Get Your Confidence Back with Arm Lift
Arm Tuck


Are Your Loose and Sagging Arms Stopping you from Wearing Your Favourite Outfit...? Is your Arm Skin Hanging Like Bat Wings...? Get Your Confidence Back with Arm Lift a.k.a. Arm Tuck or Brachioplasty. A Brachioplasty is a surgery that reshapes the back part of your upper arm, from your arm to your elbow.

Weight fluctuations, heredity and growing old results in sagging and drooping appearance of arms that cannot be corrected by exercise. Excess of fat and loose skin extending from underarm to elbow results in bat-wing look. To reshape arm, remove excess of fat and tighten the loose skin ‘Arm lift’ is considered. Many times this procedure is done in combination get beautiful results.

Arm Tuck is a cosmetic procedure

Arm Lift is a cosmetic procedure to address droopy arms, reshape the region from underarm to the elbow and to give a rejuvenated look. It is a surgical procedure that tightens the underlying supportive tissues, eliminates excess sagging skin that droops downwards and defines arm. It also reduces the localized fat in upper arms.

When a person gains a lot of weight, his or her skin slowly stretches over time. If you lose a lot of weight, your skin may not have enough elasticity to spring back into place. This can lead to extra skinfolds of tissue. These are likely to be under your arm and chin, and on your upper thighs and lower stomach. These changes may happen after you have lost a lot of weight from weight-loss surgery.

Brachioplasty is a type of body-contouring surgery. This type of surgery is often done after weight-loss surgery. Most people who have had weight-loss surgery are interested in surgery that reshapes the body. We often do brachioplasty at the same time as another surgery. These may include body contouring around the midsection.

During this surgery, a cosmetic or aesthetic surgeon takes out areas of extra tissue from under your upper arm. Our surgeon will make a cut on the inside or back of your arm. He or she will remove extra folds of skin and fat. Sometimes the surgeon also removes extra tissue on the side of the chest. The surgeon may also do liposuction of the area during the surgery to help with the contour.

Minimal or Partial Incision Arm Lift

Mini Arm Lift- It is also known as Minimal or Partial Incision Arm Lift. Here a small incision is made in the patient’s armpit, and then through the incision, the arm is sculpted in little amounts via liposuction. Also, little skin may be removed, and then the arm is wrapped carefully for healing. Mini Arm Lift is for the patients who have lost moderate weight or in whom due to aging there is substantial or minimum muscle tissue loss. It treats mild skin laxity.

Upper Arm Lift

Upper Arm Lift- It is also known as brachioplasty. Here incision is made near the elbow. The incision runs along the bottom of the arm to the body. Through the incision, the excess of fat is sucked out via liposuction. The excess of skin is trimmed, and the rest of the skin is secured in place for healing. Usually, this happens after a drastic weight loss following a weight loss surgery or lifestyle changes. It is also recommended for patients with significant tissue loss due to aging.

Why might I need a brachioplasty

This surgery may be for you if you recently lost a lot of weight. It’s often done on people after they have had weight-loss surgery. You may not be happy with how you look after weight-loss surgery if you have extra folds of tissue under your arm.

These extra skinfolds may cause the following problems:

  • General discomfort
  • Inflammation and rash. This can lead to an infection.
  • Problems with hygiene in this area
  • Poor self-esteem