A full body check-up generally includes assessments of a person's blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, temperature, weight, and height. It may also include tests to check cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and the presence of any infections.
A full body checkup is done by most of the people only at the time of any minor or major medical emergency. However, a periodic full body checkup should be done at least once in 6-12 months, so as to ensure that you are keeping yourself immune to and avoid any forthcoming medical issues.
Health is the new wealth. This age-old adage has acquired new relevance in recent times. Gone are those days when health-related issues were only synonymous with old age or hereditary diseases. Today, quite literally, no one can afford to take their health for granted. A full-body health checkup is being included now in most benefits packages of complete body checkups in organizations.
Health test packages today are the norm, not the exception. Using preventive measures has become more commonplace as people have gained a different and more holistic cognizance about their health and the ill effects of bad choices. Thus, a full-body check up expense is no longer a choice but a necessity.
A complete body checkup has several advantages:
Reduces stress and aids in the development of physical fitness.
Professionals can use a thorough body examination to detect any element in excess or your body needs.
Take a look at your current physical state.
Assist doctors in the early detection of any potentially dangerous condition.
Reduce the medical bills and health hazards.
An excellent example of a full-body health checkup near you is the Thyrocare full body check-up which has several packages that you can use across any age demographic. Doctors have repeatedly urged that people undergo a full body profile test every six months to understand any changes. This kind of full-body check-up package must ideally include blood and urine tests, a lipid profile test, a cardiac system test, a vitamin check, an abdominal check, thyroid function tests and kidney functionalities. Check out our different full-body blood test prices and packages below and book one for yourself today.
Most health insurance policies also encompass free medical care and include several top full body check-up packages. However, due to lack of awareness or full disclosure, most people either do not know how to avail a full body health checkup near them or fear that doing so may increase their insurance premium rates. Each individual's health is the total of myriad factors. Right from inherited genes from parents, the physical and psychological climate at home, the nature of the individual's occupation, food and lifestyle choices, etc.
Being physically at the top of one's game may seem like a daunting task in today's environment. However, the traditional remedies of including more fruits and vegetables, reducing alcohol intake with regular exercise still hold true. This, coupled with timely vaccinations and immunizations against fatal and non-fatal diseases, definitively enhance life expectancy. Complete body checkup thus needs to be mandatory for every individual.
Health awareness educates, enlightens, and empowers communities to make appropriate changes to reduce the risk of developing infections and lead a better quality of life. Furthermore, using technology, information about various packages and their benefits could be communicated directly to the individual in an economical and time-sensitive manner.
As all body health checkup prices are low, get your body checkup done with our multiple tests. Our portfolio includes blood and urine tests, a lipid profile test, a cardiac system test, a vitamin check, an abdominal check, thyroid function tests and kidney functionalities.
It is not required, but it is essential and recommended. According to many studies, early detection and diagnosis can minimize disease burden by 59 percent. As a result, a below-periodic timeframe is often beneficial:
A health checkup includes the following crucial tests:
A full blood count
Lipoprotein Profile
The function of the Liver
Thyroid Health
Kidney Health
Urine Examination
Blood Glucose Levels
Depending on your condition and family history, you can choose to include additional testing. For example, cancer screening, arthritis screening, diabetes screening, anemia screening, and lung screening are all valuable examinations.