Established in the Year, 1982 Dr. K.L. Saigal Nursing Home in Kanpur has made a rather exceptional name in the city. According to many, the doctor classifies as one of the 'go-to' general physicians in the area. The stronghold this doctor has in the medical field has not only drawn in patients from in and around the vicinity but from across the city as well. Patients come here from many cities, The clinic is located in Govind Nagar and can be found easily as it is right Nand Lal Chauraha Road, Bara Devi Mandir.
This physician possesses an impressive amount of knowledge and constantly keeps updated with advancements made in the field. He has 44 years of Experience in this field.
A general physician is someone who helps people with their medical problems by being caring, understanding, prepared, and ready to give his or her best. A general physician examines people of all ages within the particular society. A general physician are frontline worker in a patient’s healthcare. Care and dedication is the driving force behind our work.
+91 9336107696
Almost half of all people who live in nursing homes are 85 years or older. Relatively few residents are younger than 65 years of age. Most are women (72%) , many of whom do not have a spouse (almost 70% are widowed , divorced , or were never married). Many also have only a small group of family members and friends for support .
+91 9336107696
General Pediatrics is Institute of Child Health are some in India which aim at providing quality healthcare facilities exclusively for children upto the age of 18 years with care in Pediatric services including inpatient,outpatient,Pediatric ICU, Pediatric specialities and Pediatric surgeries. At Institute of Child Health , wellness is at the heart of what we do.
+91 9336107696
Maternity hospital specializes in caring for women during pregnancy and childbirth. It also provides care for newborn infants, and may act as a centre for clinical training in midwifery and obstetrics. Formerly we known that hospitals have maternity department.
+91 9336107696
Immunisation is the process of boosting immunity by generating antibodies either due to vaccination or the contraction of a disease . It is not something that can be administered from the external environment. It’s your body’s response to a disease or vaccine
+91 9336107696
A viral fever like dengue should be attended to by your family doctor or pediatrician first. Like other viral infections, it needs to be flushed out of the system with the help of prescribed medicines (usually crocin), lots of fluids and plenty of rest.
+91 9336107696